Updated King James Bible 1850 Edition (KJV)
Psalms 91
1 The state of the godly. 3 Their safety. 9 Their habitation. 11 Their servants. 14 Their friend, with the effects of them all.

91:1 ¶
He that dwelleth 3427 z8802 in the secret y5643 place x5643 of the most High 5945 shall abide 3885 z8698 under the shadow 6738 of the Almighty. 7706

I will say 559 z8799 of the LORD, 3068 [He is] my refuge 4268 and my fortress: 4686 my God; 430 in him will I trust. 982 z8799

Surely x3588 he x1931 shall deliver 5337 z8686 thee from the snare 6341 x4480 of the fowler, 3353 [and] from the noisome y1942 pestilence. 1698 x4480 x1942

He shall cover 5526 z8686 thee with his feathers, 84 and under x8478 his wings 3671 shalt thou trust: 2620 z8799 his truth 571 [shall be thy] shield 6793 and buckler. 5507

Thou shalt not x3808 be afraid 3372 z8799 for the terror 6343 x4480 by night; 3915 [nor] for the arrow 2671 x4480 [that] flieth 5774 z8799 by day; 3119

[Nor] for the pestilence 1698 x4480 [that] walketh 1980 z8799 in darkness; 652 [nor] for the destruction 6986 x4480 [that] wasteth 7736 z8799 at noonday. 6672

A thousand 505 shall fall 5307 z8799 at thy side, 6654 x4480 and ten thousand 7233 at thy right hand; 3225 x4480 [but] it shall not x3808 come nigh 5066 z8799 x413 thee.

Only x7535 with thine eyes 5869 shalt thou behold 5027 z8686 and see 7200 z8799 the reward 8011 of the wicked. 7563

Because x3588 thou x859 hast made 7760 z8804 the LORD, 3068 [which is] my refuge, 4268 [even] the most High, 5945 thy habitation; 4583

There shall no x3808 evil 7451 befall 579 z8792 x413 thee, neither x3808 shall any plague 5061 come nigh 7126 z8799 thy dwelling. 168

For x3588 he shall give his angels 4397 charge 6680 z8762 over thee, to keep 8104 z8800 thee in all x3605 thy ways. 1870

They shall bear thee up 5375 z8799 in x5921 [their] hands, 3709 lest x6435 thou dash 5062 z8799 thy foot 7272 against a stone. 68

Thou shalt tread 1869 z8799 upon x5921 the lion 7826 and adder: 6620 the young lion 3715 and the dragon 8577 shalt thou trample under feet 7429 z8799

Because x3588 he hath set his love 2836 z8804 upon me, therefore will I deliver 6403 z8762 him: I will set him on high, 7682 z8762 because x3588 he hath known 3045 z8804 my name. 8034

He shall call y7121 z8799 upon x7121 me, and I will answer 6030 z8799 him: I x595 [will be] with x5973 him in trouble; 6869 I will deliver 2502 z8762 him, and honor 3513 z8762 him.

With long 753 life 3117 will I satisfy 7646 z8686 him, and show 7200 z8686 him my salvation. 3444