Updated King James Bible 1850 Edition (KJV)
Matthew 2
1 The wise men out of the east are directed to Christ by a star. 11 They worship him, and offer their presents. 14 Joseph fleeth into Egypt, with Jesus and his mother. 16 Herod slayeth the children: 20 himself dieth. 23 Christ is brought back again into Galilee to Nazareth.

2:1 ¶
Now 1161 when Jesus 2424 was born 1080 z5685 in 1722 Bethlehem 965 of Judea 2449 in 1722 the days 2250 of Herod 2264 the x3588 king, 935 behold, 2400 z5628 there came 3854 z5633 wise men 3097 from 575 the east 395 to 1519 Jerusalem, 2414

Saying, 3004 z5723 Where 4226 is 2076 z5748 he that is born 5088 z5685 King 935 of the x3588 Jews? 2453 for 1063 we have seen 1492 z5627 his 846 star 792 in 1722 the x3588 east, 395 and 2532 are come 2064 z5627 to worship 4352 z5658 him. 846

When 1161 Herod 2264 the x3588 king 935 had heard 191 z5660 [these things], he was troubled, 5015 z5681 and 2532 all 3956 Jerusalem 2414 with 3326 him. 846

And 2532 when he had gathered 4863 z0 all 3956 the x3588 chief priests 749 and 2532 scribes 1122 of the x3588 people 2992 together, y4863 z5631 he demanded 4441 z5711 of 3844 them 846 where 4226 Christ 5547 should be born. 1080 z5743

And 1161 they x3588 said 2036 z5627 unto him, 846 In 1722 Bethlehem 965 of Judea: 2449 for 1063 thus 3779 it is written 1125 z5769 by 1223 the x3588 prophet, 4396

And 2532 thou 4771 Bethlehem, 965 [in] the land 1093 of Judah, 2448 art 1488 z5748 not 3760 the least 1646 among 1722 the x3588 princes 2232 of Judah: 2448 for 1063 out x1537 of y1537 thee 4675 shall come 1831 z5695 a Governor, 2233 z5740 that 3748 shall rule 4165 z5692 my 3450 people 2992 Israel. 2474

Then 5119 Herod, 2264 when he had privily 2977 called 2564 z5660 the x3588 wise men, 3097 inquired y198 z0 of y3844 them y846 diligently 198 z5656 x3844 x846 what time 5550 the x3588 star 792 appeared. 5316 z5730

And 2532 he sent 3992 z5660 them 846 to 1519 Bethlehem, 965 and said, 2036 z5627 Go 4198 z5679 and search 1833 z5657 diligently 199 for 4012 the x3588 young child; 3813 and 1161 when 1875 ye have found 2147 z5632 [him], bring y518 z0 me y3427 word again, 518 z5657 x3427 that 3704 I x2504 may come 2064 z5631 and worship 4352 z5661 him 846 also. y2504

When 1161 they x3588 had heard 191 z5660 the x3588 king, 935 they departed; 4198 z5675 and, 2532 lo, 2400 z5628 the x3588 star, 792 which 3739 they saw 1492 z5627 in 1722 the x3588 east, 395 went before 4254 z5707 them, 846 till 2193 it came 2064 z5631 and stood 2476 z5627 over 1883 where 3757 the x3588 young child 3813 was. 2258 z5713

When 1161 they saw 1492 z5631 the x3588 star, 792 they rejoiced 5463 z5644 with exceeding 4970 great 3173 joy. 5479

2:11 ¶
And 2532 when they were come 2064 z5631 into 1519 the x3588 house, 3614 they saw 1492 z5627 y2147 z5625 the x3588 young child 3813 with 3326 Mary 3137 his 846 mother, 3384 and 2532 fell down, 4098 z5631 and worshiped 4352 z5656 him: 846 and 2532 when they had opened 455 z5660 their y846 x848 treasures, 2344 they presented 4374 z5656 unto him 846 gifts; 1435 gold, 5557 and 2532 frankincense, 3030 and 2532 myrrh. 4666

And 2532 being warned of God 5537 z5685 in 2596 a dream 3677 that they should y344 z0 not 3361 return 344 z5658 to 4314 Herod, 2264 they departed 402 z5656 into 1519 their own y846 x848 country y5561 another 243 y1223 x5561 x2433 way. 3598

And 1161 when they 846 were departed, 402 z5660 behold, 2400 z5628 the angel 32 of the Lord 2962 appeareth 5316 z5727 to Joseph 2501 in 2596 a dream, 3677 saying, 3004 z5723 Arise, 1453 z5685 and take 3880 z5628 the x3588 young child 3813 and 2532 his 846 mother, 3384 and 2532 flee 5343 z5720 into 1519 Egypt, 125 and 2532 be x2468 thou y2468 z5749 there 1563 until 2193 x302 I y302 bring y2036 z0 thee y4671 word: 2036 z5632 x4671 for 1063 Herod 2264 will 3195 z5719 seek 2212 z5721 the x3588 young child 3813 to destroy 622 z5658 him. 846

When 1161 he x3588 arose, 1453 z5685 he took 3880 z5627 the x3588 young child 3813 and 2532 his 846 mother 3384 by night, 3571 and 2532 departed 402 z5656 into 1519 Egypt: 125

And 2532 was 2258 z5713 there 1563 until 2193 the x3588 death 5054 of Herod: 2264 that 2443 it might be fulfilled 4137 z5686 which 3588 was spoken 4483 z5685 of 5259 the x3588 Lord 2962 by 1223 the x3588 prophet, 4396 saying, 3004 z5723 Out x1537 of y1537 Egypt 125 have I called 2564 z5656 my 3450 son. 5207

2:16 ¶
Then 5119 Herod, 2264 when he saw 1492 z5631 that 3754 he was mocked 1702 z5681 of 5259 the x3588 wise men, 3097 was exceeding y3029 wroth, 2373 z5681 x3029 and 2532 sent forth, 649 z5660 and x2532 slew 337 z5627 all 3956 the x3588 children 3816 that x3588 were in 1722 Bethlehem, 965 and 2532 in 1722 all 3956 the x3588 coasts 3725 thereof, 846 from 575 two years old 1332 and 2532 under, 2736 according 2596 to the x3588 time 5550 which 3739 he had diligently inquired 198 z5656 of 3844 the x3588 wise men. 3097

Then 5119 was fulfilled 4137 z5681 that which y3588 was spoken 4483 z5685 by 5259 Jeremiah 2408 the x3588 prophet, 4396 saying, 3004 z5723

In 1722 Ramah 4471 was there y191 z0 a voice 5456 heard, 191 z5681 lamentation, 2355 and 2532 weeping, 2805 and 2532 great 4183 mourning, 3602 Rachel 4478 weeping 2799 z5723 [for] her y846 x848 children, 5043 and 2532 would 2309 z5707 not 3756 be comforted, 3870 z5683 because 3754 they are 1526 z5748 not. 3756

2:19 ¶
But 1161 when Herod 2264 was dead, 5053 z5660 behold, 2400 z5628 an angel 32 of the Lord 2962 appeareth 5316 z5727 in 2596 a dream 3677 to Joseph 2501 in 1722 Egypt, 125

Saying, 3004 z5723 Arise, 1453 z5685 and take 3880 z5628 the x3588 young child 3813 and 2532 his 846 mother, 3384 and 2532 go 4198 z5737 into 1519 the land 1093 of Israel: 2474 for 1063 they are dead 2348 z5758 which y3588 sought 2212 z5723 the x3588 young child's 3813 life. 5590

And 1161 he x3588 arose, 1453 z5685 and took 3880 z5627 the x3588 young child 3813 and 2532 his 846 mother, 3384 and 2532 came 2064 z5627 into 1519 the land 1093 of Israel. 2474

But 1161 when he heard 191 z5660 that 3754 Archelaus 745 did reign 936 z5719 in 1909 Judea 2449 in the room 473 of his 846 father 3962 Herod, 2264 he was afraid 5399 z5675 to go 565 z5629 thither: 1563 notwithstanding, 1161 being warned of God 5537 z5685 in 2596 a dream, 3677 he turned aside 402 z5656 into 1519 the x3588 parts 3313 of Galilee: 1056

And 2532 he came 2064 z5631 and dwelt 2730 z5656 in 1519 a city 4172 called 3004 z5746 Nazareth: 3478 that 3704 it might be fulfilled 4137 z5686 which y3588 was spoken 4483 z5685 by 1223 the x3588 prophets, 4396 y3754 He shall be called 2564 z5701 a Nazarene. 3480